If you have lived at least five of these ten situations, then you’re a true Ipata member.
1.- Our work is not very famous but we have relocated Messi, Obama, Conan, Hilton, Aragorn, Bilbo, etc. And many other animals with these names.
2.- When we see an airplane on TV, we do not imagine passengers but animals.
3.- Walking down the street we don’t see dogs, we see approved cage sizes.
4.- Once we’ve been awake all night because one of our pets travelled that night.
5.- At least once, our workplace has been more like a farm than an office
6.- Apart from biologists, we are the only ones who know all the water turtle breeds over the world.
7.- We know that it takes longer to build a dangerous breed dog cage than to reform our kitchen
8.- We don’t believe in the bible, our path is the IATA “Live Animals Regulations” book .
9.- In addition to the sign “Live animal inside“, if it were up to us we would cover pet cages with hundreds of messages more like: “Do not leave it exposed to the sun”, “Put water often”, “Move carefully”, “Do not yell” , “Treat it with care”, “Its name is…”.
10.- We also believe that some people should also have the CITES reference.